For our latest exclusive online fashion story, photographer Vishal Marapon and stylist Toyo Tsuchiya teamed-up to create this story at the Simon Fraser University on Burnaby Mountain, located in Vancouver, Canada. Between the concrete of the Brutalist space and the lines that creates, intersected models Akoy and Safia Saleh wearing pieces from Marni, Acne Studios, MM6, CFCL, or Vintage pieces from several designers.
Akoy and Safia Saleh at Family Management photographed by Vishal Marapon.
Styled by Toyo Tsuchiya at Judy Inc. Makeup by Jon Hennessey at Nobasura Clubhouse.
Hair by Erin Klassen at Nobasura Clubhouse. Stylist Assistants, Tara Mews and Camilla Lesyk.
Black loafers by Moschino at Browns Shoes. Spiral earring by Jennifer Fisher x Virgil Abloh