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Writer: 5' ELEVEN''5' ELEVEN''

Updated: Aug 17, 2024

Designer Profile: Arashi Yanagawa, founder and designer of John Lawrence Sullivan for 5ELEVEN Magazine The Silk Road Issue 12 Japan Chapter

The founder and designer of John Lawrence Sullivan, Arashi Yanagawa, first began working as a professional boxer. Once an Olympic candidate, his passion for design eventually led him to pursue a career in fashion and to establish his brand in 2003. Named after the first heavyweight champion of gloved boxing, the brand epitomizes strength, personality and dignity, and embodies a fearlessness towards challenges, with its menswear collections revolving around the core concepts of strength and elegance.

Words by Emika Ohta Seger. Portrait by Sarah Piantadosi.

Fashion images from Spring Summer 2024 lookbook.

Yanagawa is acutely aware of his differences from other Japanese designers. His story is a contradiction of the more established route of joining a major brand to build one’s career, and instead he adopted a self-taught approach, learning the craft through trial and error. In addition, his confidence and assertiveness don’t always align with the norms of Japanese society. Yet he embraces these differences, upholding his dignity and safeguarding his brand from unwanted influences. Drawing parallels between boxing and design, he emphazises that strength is intricately tied to the ability to navigate and build on the challenges encountered while pursuing a goal. “I think my experience of fighting in solitude as a boxer has come in handy. I never run away from what I want to do and my vision.”

Designer Profile: Arashi Yanagawa, founder and designer of John Lawrence Sullivan for 5ELEVEN Magazine The Silk Road Issue 12 Japan Chapter

While some may associate John Lawrence Sullivan with youth, likely due to its powerful aesthetic and hints of subcultural influences, Yanagawa’s aim is to create pieces that resonate across all age groups. He believes that the wave of conservatism in fashion has more to do with a Japanese cultural quirk rather than purely as a consequence of the ageing population or economic recessions – many Japanese individuals feel pressured to conform, resulting in a uniformity in clothing choices, where people may follow trends rather than expressing their individuality. “Fashion has become a uniform for some, chosen for its popularity or the notion that it ensures respectability and a certain level of taste. The danger arises when the media holds the power to dictate what is considered ‘tacky’ or ‘cool,’ conforming to market demands.” He highlights how industry professionals may play it safe to align with these definitions and hinder the potential for unique expressions within Japanese fashion. “Being proud of your designs and presenting them authentically is crucial in this landscape. Otherwise, you might end up succumbing to monetary motivations, introducing unnecessary factors and compromising the pursuit of essential intentions. The industry demands strength to maintain the integrity of one’s vision in the face of external pressures.” 

When it comes to his design process, Yanagawa explains, “I started my journey in menswear and tailoring, where the conventional rules are very strict and rigid. I tend to take an approach of breaking those rules and reconstructing. I think I manage to keep a good balance between conceptual ideas and quality. I’m cautious not to veer too far from the essence of clothing.”

He continues, “When a concept takes shape, I immerse myself in it, revisiting it repeatedly in my mind and drawing from my experiences and sensibilities. I blend these elements together and reconstruct them to broaden my perspective, subjecting them to continual questioning and reevaluation.” Ultimately, his goal is to craft something uniquely his own. “I perceive a collection as a question – an inquiry into why a piece of garment has taken this particular form, why this specific design and texture? It’s a question emanating from the creator.”

His Spring Summer 2024 collection’s primary inspiration came from an eerie church called Sedlec Ossuary, located in the Czech Republic, that is adorned with around 40,000 human skeletons. “I visited there out of curiosity in 2016. When I went inside, the air felt very clear, even within the confines of the walls. The colour of the bones and the bricks of the church looked incredibly beautiful. I wondered if I could somehow capture the essence of this experience and incorporate that into my collection.” His vision materialized into a darkly sophisticated collection, aptly titled DARKDENCE, where the “hue of human bones” is applied onto crinkled tailoring and sweaters with disjointed arms. Bleached black denim and pebbled leather signify the passage of time and further enrich the narrative. Through meticulous craftsmanship, Yanagawa adeptly translated his haunting inspiration into wearable pieces imbued with distinct personality.

In the last few seasons, Arashi Yanagawa found himself honing in on the creative vision that truly reflects the essence of the brand. “Building on this momentum, I’m eager to delve deeper into this direction and do another runway show in Paris or London when the timing is right. I strongly believe we are a brand that should be doing runway shows.” A belief that we all agreed on.

Discover this piece inside the Japan Chapter at The Silk Road Issue 12



John Lawrence Sullivan(ジョン・ローレンス・サリバン)の創設者でありデザイナーの柳川荒士さんは、元プロボクサーという異色の経歴を持つことでも知られている。かつてはオリンピック出場候補であった彼は、2000年の引退を機にファッションの道を志す。ロンドンで買い付けた古着を知人のセレクトショップで販売する傍ら服作りを始め、2003年にブランドを設立した。ボクシングの初代ヘビー級チャンピオンの名にちなんだブランド名に忠実に、強さと個性、威厳とエレガンスを感じさせるコレクションを展開している。







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